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February 2018 Stet Blog | President's Posting, by Laura Stigler

03 Feb 2018 6:36 PM | Anonymous

IWOC's Got a Brand New Blog!

So what the heck is going on here? What happened to our venerable Stet Newsletter that has been a staple of IWOC ever since its inception?

Simply this: With survey results in tow, the Board has decided our members would best be served by morphing Stet into an up-to-the-minute, living, breathing, interactive blog. Personally, I'm agog. Because as captivating as all of Stet's previous incarnations were (and they were captivating, from the original hard-copy form, to the PDF's, to the e-newsletters), the Stet Blog will now be offering you more...

More interaction

All readers are welcome of course. But if you're a member, you'll have the opportunity to get your voice heard. Wish to sound off on some scathingly brilliant observation on IWOC, writing, freelancing? Whatever you believe would be relevant to writers, post it! Or...

Say you want to opine on one of the postings here. See those ellipses in the upper left corner by the post's headline? Click on that and "Add comment," and opine away!

More information

We'll always inform you about the latest goings-on on with your beloved IWOC. Beyond that, maybe you'd like to write a review on a recently read book. Or gush about a time-saving app you can't live without. And should you come across a fascinating writer-related article you've seen elsewhere, do share it with your fellow scribes merely by posting the link here.

More member news

What's new with you? Consider the Stet Blog as a members' megaphone: Just been published? Staging a reading of your works? Conducting a seminar? Whatever career- or ego- boosting news you're itching to announce, brag about it on the blog. You've earned it!

One caveat

The Stet Blog can only be as good as its participants. To be sure, there will always be something to read, whether it's coming from yours truly, Stet Blog Editor Cynthia Tomusiak, or any one of our regular contributors. Even so, the more you're involved, be it with postings, comments or news, the better the blog will be. Because if there's one thing we IWOC'ers should never tolerate, it's a blah blog.

(To partake in this intellectual playground, please email all posts to Cynthia for review. Thoughts about this posting? Members can comment by clicking on the dots next to the headline.) 

- Laura Stigler

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